I knew that being a Mom was going to be hard work. I mean for the first couple of months there is sleep deprivation, hormone changes and body changes. When I first brought Munch home, I honestly thought it was going to be smooth sailing, and BOY WAS I WRONG!! There were days when I wondered if I was even equipped to do this whole "Mom" thing, but then I would see her smile or hear her coo or watch her discover something new, and my faith was renewed. This ltttle girl is my whole world, and that is why when she had a fever over the weekend, I could feel the walls crumbling down around me.
It first started when I got home from work. My Mom told me that Jennsen was not her normal vibrant self and when I picked her up I could feel that she was pretty warm. The first temperature read 101.9. I knew this wasn't good, but I also did not want to panic. Then I took her temp an hour later and it was 102.1, without hesitation off to the pediatrician's office we went.- At the pediatrician's office, we were told that it just looked like she had some fluid in her ears and no antibiotics were needed. Ok, great we have the answer to the problem, now we can go home. When we got home we gave her tome Tylenol and check her temp again, this time it was 104.3. Without a seconds hesitation, Wayne put her in the car and off to the E.R we went. Once in the E. R., they saw Jennsen immediately. After about an hour they tell us that they want to give her a catheter to rule out a UTI. Of course we asked if this necessary and they told us it was not. However, I have been told how bad a UTI can get if it is not treated properly, so I told them to do it. Being in the room when they did this procedure was the most heartbreaking thing I have had to do as a mom. Hearing her scream made me cry and all I wanted to do was hold her. After the procedure we gave her Motrin and waited. It seemed like it took forever for them to come back to take her temp, but when they finally did it had gone down to 102.3. At this point we were told we could go home.
Once at home we checked her temp a couple of times. First, it was 101.4 and finally 100.3. Our baby had finally started cooling down, and was her old energetic self once again!!